


Exhibit Titles

I did some mind mapping to explore possible titles Ideas for my project. The direction I attempted first was from a more moral or ethic conflict on our world today. Some of the compositions I had for monday started revealing this kind of theme and I decide to explore it a little more. The second set of titles is for an organized crime theme. I feel like my icons and composition can fit in well to this idea with minor alterations. This theme also relates more to my initial ideas of the project, and can be a more visible museum exhibit to me.

Titles A:
Inhumane Affect
Culturural Apathy
Inhumane Conflict
What harms us all
Interminable Conflicts
Eternal Conflict
Amoral World
World Morality Explored
Evil has no shadow
Human Moral Conflict
Immoral on Earth

Title B:
Organized Crime World
Crime World
Criminal Enterprise
Cultural Villains
Amoral Villains
Amoral Criminals
Criminal Morality

I like Criminal Enterprise, and Amoral Criminals something with crime history and organized crime is what I will approach as a final decision.

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