


Reading Response

After reading Wong's insight into contrast with 2D design I was able to develop a few more rough ideas for my book. Its interesting how contrast within a design is rarely acknowledge unless its an extreme difference. It now makes since to pay close attention to the visual cues and the subtle difference that are created with contrast, and not just on the most pronounced levels.
Megg's "Type and Images" reading provided some great ground work for leading the imagination. The symbolism of shapes and how we can identify something globally, vaguely, or specific helps to me to visualize or at least begin thinking about different approach to the problems I've presented to my self. I also enjoyed the constructive ideas of exaggeration to convey a message and page layout to organize a composition. All great ideas to consider continuously throughout my design career.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a couple of good insights from the reading in relation to the project but I don't know which layouts your are referring to - so you should post an example of the compositions here.
