


Famous People Ideas

I was debating between three people to use in these project.

Isaac Newton
Jim Belushi
Jim Morrison

All three of the gentlemen are of my favorite influential people, but Isaac Newton has the most impact in history and I find to be my number one choice.

For content to use in my image these is still a work in progress, but I'm thinking of trying to represent a prism in some fashion for Newton was the first to discover that white light is made of all the colors. He also was the first to make a reflective telescope, and wrote "The Principia" describing the laws of motion. He discover/invented calculus, and had several other influences in mathematics and physics. Maybe a physics or calculus text book might be used, and some way to describe his impact on how we use color.

"If I've seen further than others, its by standing on the shoulder of giants." (favorite)

"We build to many walls and not enough bridges."

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